we had dcfs called on us today with some false allegations against us. we did not let him into our home. the agent mark coombs told us that he talked to our 12 year old son at his school alone for a hour alone. we have a few links that we have set up if you would like to donate to help support our channel or help us fight cps/dcfs. we have a paypal link https://www.paypal.com/us/for-you/transfer-money/send-money any way that you would like to help support us we would so grateful. if you would like to email us with any questions we would love to hear from you email us at dusynshy@gmail.com we have snail mail if you would like to mail us anything in the mail DUSTIN DEAN 300 SOUTH STATE STREET JOSEPH UTAH,84739 WE HAVE A UPDATE VIDEO THAT EXPLAINS FEW QUESTIONS THAT YOU ALL MAY HAVE. https://youtu.be/WFg5TC0yA8I